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My Poetry

Here you will find a collection of my poetry.

Writen by me owned by me and all rights reserved by Mark Adams. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording or other electronic methods without the prior written permission of the author Mark Adams except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission/requests please email the author at


There that was the boring bit so now please take some time out and enjoy.



A moment in time announcing its arrival like a break in the clouds,

Peace in the day as the sun dapples through rippled glass on to rose tinted skin,

To take a breath of fresh air is to slip between the busy minutes.......but to find the seconds which make up the lost time is escapism,

Escaping within the gaps of time,

Gaps of time that go unannounced and unnoticed to some but not I,

Reflected light from the waters surface onto white walls,

A gentle breeze that catches the eye by creating movement,

Momentarily brushes across open fields making grasses dance with joy,

These moments....These times...These gifts.


The fresh air rejuvenates me

The fresh air sometimes smells like my youth,

The feeling of free mind and imagination,

Early morning excitment of what the day may bring,

Hazy sunshine like the hazy mind,

The tree tops blowing in conversation,

whispering secrets about the weather,

Flowers beaming bright colours,

Like flash lights of nature calling out to all pollinators,

Plants and trees reaching out to the sun,

Im high on the natural feeling that rejuvenates my soul,

There is no other heaven than now,

The suns magnet pulling life from the earth,

The earths life pulling out the goodness in me.



The Quietening

Night dust is on its way,

The heavy night dust forcing silence upon us,

So heavy that it sinks the sun,

Yet so quiet you can hear the flight of the moth,

Fire flies whisper in innocent play,

In the darkness you can hear the trees breathing,

You can hear the breeze leaving.

Pins dont drop nor are they thrown,

As tonight has no interruption from man,

The fallen leaves crawl across the midnight carpet,

As if going somewhere but not knowing where,

The midnight moon shines in the foxes eyes,

The dew settles on his fine crimson coat,

Owls hoot for reply,

Lights on in the rooms of gods children,

Yet the curtains drawn tight,

Cars in driveways dormant till dawn,

Smoking chimneys settling down,

The dripping of a street corner tap,

Its water running downhill as though it is escaping in the peace of the night,

These are not our hours,

Not for stealing more borrowed time,

The silience is in the doorways,corridors and offices,

The peace is in our minds,

Sleep now and rest now till day brings new light,

Until day awakens this sleeping world.

Day break

The dawn sun rises,

Birds swoop low over water catching insects,

As the earth is lit and the day presents its self,

The shadows run to safety,

The world slowly shakes of its tiredness from its sleep,

Ready for another day,

All is a low a murmur of a butterflies wings as it takes to the air,

Early morning workers finish sweeping the streets as the cool air takes on its daytime warmth,

The late fox taking to the last of the scraps from the torn bin bags,

Early morning running through my fingers like sand as the day edges on and starts coming alive with fury and discussion,

All will be murmurs in hours to comes,

As the silence settles and blankets us again.


Fleeting flickering movie mind

My movie mind is triggered by light,

It swims,

It dives into the flickering movie strips of my life,

The colours in my life are vivid and wide,

She chases me through wind swept cornfields,

As i turn and fall she places herself upon me,

her gentle kisses cease the moment,

Our moment,

Our moment last a lifetime,

The seasons change the years go by,

But we still remain the same,

My movie mind records it all,

The feelings..the touch,

Labelled up and stored away,

They come out for viewing when I press play,

Random viewing and automatic find,

My fleeting flickering movie mind.

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